The department's research is conducted within groups of staff and students with common interests. Learn more about our research projects and publications with students's contribution.
Research areas
Software technologies
Technology enterprenuership
Intelligent Systems
Knowledge management
Software technologies
- Cloud Computing
- Distributed Systems
- Service-Oriented Computing
- Internet Technologies
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Requirements Engineering
- Software Design Patterns
- Software Architectures
- Software Testing
- Software Quality
- Network Security
- Information Security
- Malware
- Satellite and Optical Communication Systems
- Communication Protocols
- Network and System Administration
- Mobile Adhoc Networks
- Wireless Networks
Technology enterprenuership
- Technology Entrepreneurship Fundamentals
- Innovation Processes and Management
- Technology Entrepreneurship in IT
- Strategy Management
- Legal Issues and E-Business
- Organizational Behaviuor
- Project Management
- Student Company - Junior Achievement
Intelligent Systems
- Artificial Intelligence
- Neural Networks
- Fuzzy Logic
- Evolutionary Computation
- Game and Decision Theory
- Information Retrieval
- Agents and Multi-agent Systems
- Data Mining
- Machine Learning
Knowledge management
- Information and Knowledge Assets
- Knowledge Management Strategies and Policies
- Knowledge Management Technologies
- Organisation Theory and Practice
- Organisation of Knowledge
- Business Intelligence
- Intellectual Capital Management
- Knowledge Management Measurement
- Communities of Practice