Щатни преподаватели

Olga Georgieva, Associate professor
Research area: Data Mining, Data Analysis, Soft Computing, Intelligent Systems, Analysis of Software Systems

Contact information
Department of Software engineering
Block 2, room 305, 125 Tsarigradsko shosse Blvd., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Email: georgieva@fmi.uni-sofia.bg
Phone: + (+359) 2 9710400
Official university homepage

- M.Sc. degree: Technical University, Sofia, 1986
- Ph.D. degree: Institute of Control and System Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1995
- Research worker: Institute of Control and System Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1995-2000
- Senior Research Worker: Institute of Control and System Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2000-2008
- Associate professor: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (FMI), University of Sofia, 2008-at present
Latest publications
Journal papers
- O. Georgieva, S. Milanov, P. Georgieva, I. M. Santos, A. T. Pereira and C. F. Silva, 2015, Learning to decode human emotions from event-related potential, Neural Computing and Applications, v. 26, issue 3, pp.573-580.
- Gajic, D., Savic-Gajic, I., Savic, I., Georgieva, O., & Di Gennaro, S. (2015). Modelling of electrical energy consumption in an electric arc furnace using artificial neural networks. Energy, 108, 132-139 (IF 2015 4.292 )
- Gligorijevic, J.; Gajic, D.; Brkovic, A.; Savic-Gajic, I.; Georgieva, O.; Di Gennaro, S. Online Condition Monitoring of Bearings to Support Total Productive Maintenance in the Packaging Materials Industry. Sensors 2016, 16(3), 316.
- Ivan Borshukov, Olga Georgieva, 2017, Fuzzy Logic Schemes of Schools Grouping, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Advanced Applications, vol. 4, pp. 32-37.
- Olga Georgieva, 2017, How to Account for the Uncertainty in QoS Selection Task, Serdica J. Computing 11 (2017), No 2, pp. 165–182.
- B. Bonchev, O. Georgieva, May 2018, Playing style recognition through an adaptive video game, Computers in Human Behavior 82, pp.136-147.
Peer reviewed conference papers
- Olga Georgieva, 2015, Joint assessment of Software Service Quality Properties, Proceedings of 13th International Conference e-Society 2015, 14-16 March, 2015, Funchal, Portugal, pp.316-319.
- Olga Georgieva, Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, 2015, Web Service Selection Based on Integrated QoS Assesment, ICCGI 2015: The Tenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, 11-16 Oct. 2015, St. Julians, Malta, pp. 114-118. (ISBN: 978-1-61208-432-9)
- Georgieva, O., Petrova-Antonova, D. Integrated QoS Assessment of Web Services, 2015, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference Computer and Information Technology (IWSCA 2015), 26-28 Oct. 2015, Liverpool UK, pp: 1344 – 1348
- Georgieva, O., 2016, Exploring Subtractive Cluster Analysis for QoS Selection, 2016 Proceedings of International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications, 2-5 August, Sinaia, Romania.
- Sergey Milanov, Olga Georgieva, 2016, Pattern Frequency Representation for Time Series Classification, Proc. of IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, 4-6 Sept., Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.478-483.
- Krasimira Georgieva, Petia Georgieva, Olga Georgieva, Maria J. Ribeiro, Joana S. Paiva, 2016, Regression Approach for Automatic Detection of Attention Lapses, Proc. of IEEE 8th International Conference on Intelligent Systems, 4-6 Sept., Sofia, Bulgaria, pp.370-375. (best paper award)
- Olga Georgieva, 2016, Dynamic Service Quality Selection, The 18th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2016), November 28 - 30, Singapore, pp.403-406.
- Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Olga Georgieva, Sylvia Ilieva, 2017, Modelling of Educational Data Following Big Data Value Chain, Proceedings of CompSysTech’17 18th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, 23-24 June, Russe, Bulgaria, pp. 88-95.
- Olga Georgieva, 2018, Dynamic Data Assigning Clustering for School Grouping, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence 2018 (MCCSIS 2018), Madrid, Spain July 18-20, pp.189-193.
All publications
Chapters in Books
- F. Klawonn, O. Georgieva, 2006, Identifying single clusters in large data sets. In: J. Wang: Encyclopedia of Data Warehousing and Mining. Idea Group, Hershey, 582-585.
- D. Filev, O. Georgieva, 2010, An Extended Version of Gustafson-Kessel Clustering Algorithm for Evolving Data Stream Clustering, Evolving Intelligent Systems: Methodology and Applications, IEEE Press Series on Computational Intelligence, John Wiley & Sons, 293-315.
- Vernieuwe H., Georgieva O., De Baets B., Pauwels V.R.N., Verhoest N.E.C. and De Troch F.P., 2005, Comparison of data-driven Takagi-Sugeno models of rainfall-discharge dynamics, Journal of Hydrology 302, 173-186.
- Georgieva O., F. Klawonn, 2006, Cluster analysis via dynamic data assigning assessment algorithm, Information Technologies and Control 2, 14-21.
- Georgieva O., F. Klawonn, 2008, Dynamic data assigning assessment clustering of streaming data, Applied Soft Computing-Special Issue on Dynamic Data Mining 8, No4, 1305-1313.
- Georgieva O., F. Klawonn, 2008, Dynamic data assigning assessment clustering of streaming data, Applied Soft Computing- Special Issue on Dynamic Data Mining, v.8, No 4, pp.1305-1313.
- D. Filev, O. Georgieva, 2010, An Extended Version of Gustafson-Kessel Clustering Algorithm for Evolving Data Stream Clustering, Evolving Intelligent Systems: Methodology and Applications, (Angelov, Plamen / Filev, Dimitar P. / Kasabov, Nik (eds.)), IEEE Press Series on Computational Intelligence, pp.293-315 (ISBN-10: 0-470-28719-5, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-28719-4- John Wiley & Sons).
- Stefanova M., N. Bocheva, O. Georgieva, 2012, Evaluation of Individual, Gender and Age Differences in Visual Motion Perception, SCRIPTA SCIENTIFICA MEDICA (An official publication of Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov", Varna) Vol. 44 (1), Supplement 1, pp.73-76.
- Georgieva, Olga 2013, Dynamic Data-Driven Fuzzy Modeling of Software Reliability Growth, In: Christian Borgelt, María Ángeles Gil, João M.C. Sousa, and Michel Verleysen, eds. Towards Advanced Data Analysis by Combining Soft Computing and Statistics, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Volume 285, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 241-252.
- Olga Georgieva, Sergey Milanov, Petia Georgieva, 2014 Unsupervised EEG biosignal discrimination, Int. J. Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, Vol.6, Nos3/4, pp.118-125.
- O. Georgieva, S. Milanov, P. Georgieva, I. M. Santos, A. T. Pereira and C. F. Silva, 2015, Learning to decode human emotions from event-related potential, Neural Computing and Applications, v. 26, issue 3, pp.573-580.
Conferences and Workshops
- Georgieva O., F. Klawonn, 2006, Evolving Clustering via the Dynamic Data Assigning Assessment Algorithm, International Symposium on Evolving Fuzzy Systems, Ambleside, UK, Sept. 7-9, 95-100.
- Kostova S., O. Georgieva, 2006, Positivity Conditions of Quasilinear Fuzzy System, Automatics and Informatics’06, Oct.3-5, Sofia, Bulgaria, 279-282.
- Georgieva O., 2006, Objective Function Clustering for Structure Identification of the Modelled System, International Workshop "Advances and Application of Dezert-Smarandache Theory for Plausible and Paradoxal reasoning for Information Fusion", 14-15 December, Sofia, Bulgaria, 21-27.
- Lekova A., O. Georgieva, 2008, Using High Level Information to Make Services and Applications Mobile Wireless Network Aware, Fourth International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Systems, 6-8th September 2008, Varna, Bulgaria, 75-80.
- Georgieva O., S. Nedev, 2010, Decision Support for Evolving Clustering, Combining Soft Computing & Statistical Methods in Data Analysis, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 77, Oviedo, Spain, 305-312.
- Bocheva N., O. Georgieva, M. Stefanova, 2011, Data Analysis of Age-Related Changes in Visual Motion Perception, 3-rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Roma, Italy, 28-30 January, 556-561.
- Georgieva O., K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn, 2011, Cluster Validity Measures Based on the Minimum Description Length Principle, KES 2011, Part I, LNAI 6881, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 82–89.
- Georgieva O., A. Dimov, 2011, Software Reliability Assessment via Fuzzy Logic Model, CompSysTech'2011, Vienna, Austria. (to appear)
- Georgieva O., 2011, Fuzzy Modelling of Software Reliability Growth, InfoTech-2011, 15-16 September, Varna, Bulgaria, 241-246.
- Georgieva O., 2011, Takagi-Sugeno Type Fuzzy Logic Description of Software Reliability Growth, Automatics and Informatics'11, 3-7 October, Sofia, Bulgaria, B-117-B-120.
- Georgieva O., K. Tschumitschew, F. Klawonn, 2011, Cluster Validity Measures Based on the Minimum Description Length Principle, A. K¨onig et al. (Eds.): Proceedings of KES 2011, Part I, LNAI 6881, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 82–89. (15th International Conference, KES 2011, Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 12-14, 2011, Proceedings Part I)
- Georgieva O., A. Dimov, 2011, Software Reliability Assessment via Fuzzy Logic Model, Proceedings of 12th International Conference CompSysTech’2011, June 16-17, Vienna, Austria, pp. 653-658.
- Georgieva O., 2011, Fuzzy Modelling of Software Reliability Growth, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech-2011) 15-16 September, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 241-246.
- Georgieva O., 2011, Takagi-Sugeno Type Fuzzy Logic Description of Software Reliability Growth, International Conference Automatics and Informatics’11, 3-7 October, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. B-117-120.
- Georgieva O., 2012, A Realtime Framework of Software Reliability Assessment, 22th National Scientific Symposium with international participation “Metrology and metrology assurance 2012” , Sept. 10-14, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 321-325.
- Georgieva O., S. Milanov, P. Georgieva, 2013, Cluster Analysis for EEG Biosignal Discrimination. IEEE International Symposium on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications INISTA 2013, 19-21 June, Albena, Bulgaria, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/INISTA.2013.6577646).
- Milanov S., O. Georgieva, P. Georgieva, 2013, Comparative Analysis of Brain Data Clustering, Proceedings of Doctoral Conference in Mathematics, Informatics and Education [MIE 2013], 19-29 Sept. Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 94-101.
- Olga Georgieva, Vassilena Slaveva, Iliana Petrova, Stefan Baychev, Tihomira Slavova, A Formal Model of Lecture Hall Booking System, In Proceedings of International Scientific Conference UNITECH 2013, vol. 2, 22 – 23 Nov. 2013, Gabrovo, Bulgaria, pp.239-244.
- Petrova-Antonova D., O. Georgieva, 2013 Systematic Approach for QoS Estimation of Web Services, Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS), 2-4 December, Vienna, 2013, pp. 644-648.
- Petrova-Antonova D., Nadezhda Hristova, Georgieva O., 2014, RecSS: Automation of QoS-Aware Web Service Selection, CompSysTech 2014, 27.06.2014, Russe, Bulgaria
- O. Georgieva, Petrova-Antonova D., 2014, QoS-aware Web Service Selection Accounting for Uncertain Constraints, 40th IEEE Euromicro Conference on SEAA, August 2014, Verona, Italy, pp.174-177.
- Olga Georgieva, 2015, Joint assessment of Software Service Quality Properties, Proceedings of 13th International Conference e-Society 2015, 14-16 March, 2015, Funchal, Portugal, pp.316-319.
- Olga Georgieva, Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, 2015, Web Service Selection Based on Integrated QoS Assesment, ICCGI 2015: The Tenth International Multi-Conference on Computing in the Global Information Technology, 11-16 Oct. 2015, St. Julians, Malta, pp. 114-118. (ISBN: 978-1-61208-432-9)
- GATE, Big Data for Smart Society, WIDESPREAD-2016-2017 TEAMING Phase 1, 2017-2018. ITDGate, EU Science Fund.
- Informed and Timely Decisions on e-Governence big data (ITDGate), contract No DFNI – DN 02/11 with Bulgarian Science Fund, 2016-2019.
- Modelling of Voluntary Saccadic Eye Movements During Decision Making, contract No DFNI – DN02/3 with Bulgarian Science Fund, 2016-2019.
- Algorithms for Data Analysis and Decision Support of Autonomous Software Systems, project 80-10-196/24.04.2017, Science Fund of Sofia University, 2017.
- Data Analysis of Autonomous Software Systems, project 177/13.04.2016, Science Fund of Sofia University, 2016 г.
- Methods and algorithms for knowledge discovery from data streams, project 24/31.03.2015, Science Fund of Sofia University
- Data mining methods for software services development and analysis, project 110/08.05.2014, Science Fund of Sofia University.
- Software Reliability Assessment Using Data Mining Methods, project No 151 Science Fund of University of Sofia, 2011;
- COST action IC0702 "Combining Soft Computing Techniques and Statistical Methods to Improve Data Analysis Solutions", European Science Foundation, 2008-2012;
- Investigation and Modeling of Eyesight Information Processing at the Normal Ageing, TK01/0200 National Science Fund, Bulgaria, 2009-2011;
- SISTER: Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University, 7FP, 2008-2011.
- EURECA, European Research and Educational Collaboration with Asia, Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window - L12 Afganistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, No. 2008-1975/001-001-MUN-ECW, 2009-2010
- SISTER, EC FP7, Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University, Grant agreement number: 205030, April 2008 - March 2011
- Heterogeneous network environment for parallel computing, No.105-9/2001
- Unified framework for execution and analysis of algorithms, No.411-9HK/2004
- Unconventional computer architectures for execution and analysis of parallel computations, No.550NI-9/2005
- Software simulator of moving objects, No.740NI-9/2006
- Information system for management of human resources, No.802PD-9/2006
BSc Courses
- Analysis of Software Requirements
MSc Courses
- Models of Software Systems
- Fuzzy Sets and Applications