Щатни преподаватели

Boyan Bontchev, Professor
Research area: software architecture, interoperability, adaptive systems, game based learning, agents for educational games, technology enhanced learning, visualization

Contact information
Department of Software engineering
Block 2, room 214А, 125 Tsarigradsko shosse Blvd., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Email: bbontchev@fmi.uni-sofia.bg
Phone: + (+359) 2 9710400
Official university homepage

Dr. Boyan Bontchev received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at the Center of Informatics and Computer Technology - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, in the field of parallel processing and . Hybrid Data Flow Architectures. He has specialised in RWTH-Aachen (within the BASCULE project) and TU-Vienna (as a winner of DAAD price in IST for 1992) in the area of Petri nets modelling of IT systems and business processing. He has passed through positions of senior programmer, team leader, and software consultant at OBLOG Software and ESDI in Lisbon, Portugal, where he obtained experience in EC joint projects (within the US$ 10 million OBLOG project), banking portal services for Internet users and development of high-tech system for Banco Expirito Santo, while working in multi-cultural environment. During his permanent stay in Portugal, Dr. Bontchev provided consultancy and R&D services for many IT companies such Advantis SA, SIBS SA, DGV and COMPLAN SA. The scopes of the project he participated in were in the area of Internet business portal, ERP tools, system automation facilities. Since 1999 he is based mostly in Sofia, Bulgaria, where he acted as team leader and project manager of more than 50 industrial software projects on behalf of several Bulgarian and EC companies. He has been involved into set-up of SMS-based services at European level and managed several teams of software engineers for developing various packages of Internet and mobile games. As founder and executive of Bonea Ltd. since 2001 (http://www.bonea.com), Dr. Bontchev is specialised in offering complete Internet solutions and services by detailed mapping and analysis of all technology elements incorporating the comprehensive Web solution. He had led industrial project in ERP tools, risk management and evaluation, and cadastre and property deeds management, for national and European customers. Currently, he is Associated Professor at Dept. of Software Engineering at Sofia University, Bulgaria. Here, he has supervised successfully decades of MSc and several PhD students. He is author of more than 80 research publications in magazines and proceedings of international scientific conferences and, as well, runs as invited lecturer and key note speaker at international forums.