Щатни преподаватели

Dessislava Petrova-Antonova, Associate professor
Research area: SOA, web services, software testing

Contact information
Department of Software engineering
Block 2, room 305, 125 Tsarigradsko shosse Blvd., 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
Email: d.petrova@fmi.uni-sofia.bg
Phone: + (+359) 2 9710400
Official university homepage

- M.Sc. degree: Technical University of Sofia, 2000
- Ph.D. degree: Technical University of Sofia, 2007
- Assistant professor: Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Computer Systems and Control, 2000-2008
- Research fellow: Scientific Research Sector of Sofia University, 2008-2009
- Assistant professor: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, 2012
- Associate professor: Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University, 2012-at present
Latest publications
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva, D. (2018). Future City: A pilot project of GATE Center of Excellence. Serdica Journal of Computing, vol. 12, no. 1, 2018, ISSN 1314-7897.
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva, D. (2018). Smart Cities Evaluation – А Survey of Performance and Sustainability Indicators. 44th EUROMICRO Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), Prague, Czech Republic, August 29th - August 31st, 2018. (accepted for publication).
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva, D. Manova (2018). Automated Web Service Composition Testing as a Service. In: Hammoudi S., Pires L., Selic B., Desfray P. (eds) Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development. MODELSWARD 2016. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 692. Springer, Cham. pp. 114-131. DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-66302-9_6
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva, I. Pavlova (2017). Big Data Research and Application – Systematic Literature Review. Serdica Journal of Computing.
- Petrova-Antonova D., O. Georgieva, S. Ilieva (2017). Modelling of Educational Data Following Big Data Value Chain. Proceeding of the 18th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSys-Tech’2017), Rousse, Bulgaria, June 23-24, 2017, pp. 88-95.
- Tsokov T. , D. Petrova-Antonova (2017). EcoLogic: IoT Platform for Control of Carbon Emissions. Proceeding of the 12th International conference on software technologies (ICSOFT) – Volume 1, Madrid, Spain, 24-26 July. pp. 178-185. doi 10.5220/0006462201780185.
- Petrova-Antonova D., G. Andreev, S. Ilieva (2017). Unified Connectivity of IoT Devices through Abstraction of Application Protocols. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM 2017), Moscow, Russia, 28-30 August, 2017, pp. 56-61. doi 10.1145/3134383.3134412
- Ilieva S. , A. Penchev, D. Petrova-Antonova (2016). Internet of Things Framework for Smart Home Building, Proceeding of the International Conference Digital Transformations & Global Society, 22-24 June, St. Petersburg, Russia, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-49700-6, pp. 450-462, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-49700-6_45.
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva (2016). Methodology for Teaching Software Systems based on Entrepreneurship Learning Style, Automatics and Informatics, pp. 56-61.
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva, D. Manova (2016). TASSA: A Testing as a Service Framework for Web Service Compositions, Proceedings of the International Workshop on domAin specific Model-based AppRoaches to vErificaTion and validaTiOn (AMARETTO 2016), ISBN: 978-989-758-166-3, Rome, Italy, pp. 33-42, doi. 10.5220/0005844400330042.
All publications
Book chapters
- Gourova Е., R. Nikolov, А. Antonova, L. Galabova, К. Toteva, L. Zagrafova, Y. Todorova, D. Petrova-Antonova, D. Kabakchieva. Knowledge management, Bulvest 2000, ISBN 978-954-18-0839-9, 2012.
- Design and development of software systems with .NET technologies, Student lab manual, ISBN: 978-954-07-3301-2, 2012
- Testing of software systems in .NET environment, Student lab manual, ISBN: 978-954-07-3302-9, 2012
- The world of programming, training materials for Visual Basic.NET 2008, Published by Microsoft Bulgaria, 2008
- The world of programming, training materials for Visual Basic.NET 2003, Published by Microsoft Bulgaria, 2005
- Parallel programming - theoretical and applied aspects, Textbook, Published by Technical University of Sofia, 2004
- Programming environments for .NET, Student lab manual, Part II, Published by Technical University of Sofia, 2004
- Programming environments, Student lab manual, Part I, Published by Technical University of Sofia, 2003
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva, I. Manova, D. Manova. Towards Automation Design Time Testing of Web Service Compositions. e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal, Vol. 6, Issue 1, ISSN 1897-7979, 2012, pp. 61-70.
- Petrova-Antonova D., A. Dimov. Towards a Taxonomy of Web Service Composition Approaches. Journal of Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, West University of Timisoara, Romania, Vol. 12, 2011. (in press)
- Spassov I., D. Petrova, V. Pavlov, S. Ilieva. An approach for Data Dependency Analysis of web service business processes, Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences, Tome 64, No. 3, 2011, pp. 405-412.
- Petrova-Antonova D., Tuning performance of relational databases through optimization of SQL statements, Scientific journal "Science", The Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, No. 3, 2010, pp. 46-50.
- Petrova-Antonova D., Tuning performance of relational databases through optimization of SQL statements, Scientific journal "Science", The Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, No. 3, 2010, pp. 46-50.
- Nakov, O., D. Petrova, D. Gotzeva. Impact of the choice of authentication system to the system characteristics of the source code implementing RPC calls. Scientific journal "Electrical and Electronics", 1-2/2007, ISSN 0861-4717, pp. 17-19
- Petrova, D., O. Nakov. Control of a Moving Object Using Quadratic Programming Based Control Allocation Techniques. Scientific journal "Electrical and Electronics", 1-2/2007, ISSN 0861-4717, pp. 81-87.
- Nakov, O., D. Petrova. Adaptive moving object – an optimal correlation between mathematical formalism and functional characteristics of the computing environment. Computer engineering, Technical University of Sofia, Vol.1, No. 1, 2007, ISSN 1314-2291, pp.17-21.
- Nakov, O., D. Petrova. Optimization techniques for vehicle dynamics modeling. RECENT, Vol. 8 (2007), Nr. 2(20), ISSN 1582-0246, pp. 141-145.
- Nakov, O., D. Petrova. Communication Cost Reducing in Data Source Network for Moving Object Location. WSEAS Transactions on Computers. Vol. 6, no. 9, Sept. 2007, ISSN 1109-2750, pp. 1077-1081.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova. Implementation of the Kalman filter for control of object moving in the plane. Computer Science and Technologies, Technical University of Varna, Year 3, No: 1/2005, ISSN 1312-3335, pp.22-25.
- Nakov O., D. Gotseva, D. Petrova. Efficiency of parallel implementations of 2D Ising Modeling on Hybrid Multicomputer platform. Computer Science and Technologies, Technical University of Varna, Year 3, No: 2/2005, ISSN 1312-3335, pp.18-25.
Conferences and Workshops
- D. Petrova-Antonova, Manova D., Ilieva S. (2015) TASSA: Testing Framework for web service orchestrations, 10th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test In Conjunction with The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, 16-24 May, 2015, Firenze, Italy, pp. 8-12.
- D. Petrova-Antonova, Kuncheva K., Ilieva S. (2015) Automatic Generation of Test Data for XML Schema-based Testing of Web Services, 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA), 20-22 July, Colmar, France, pp. 277-284.
- Manova D., D. Petrova-Antonova, S. Ilieva, I. Manova, (2014). XML Schema Based Generation of Test Data. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech-2014), 18-19 September 2014, Bulgaria, pp. 325-332.
- Baylov K., Petrova-Antonova D., Dimov, A., (2014). Web service QOS specification in BPEL descriptions. Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech’2014), Rousse, Bulgaria, June 27, ACM ICPS Vol. 883, ACM Inc., NY, USA, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2753-4, DOI 10.1145/2659532.2659632, pp. 264-271.
- Petrova-Antonova D., Hristova N., Georgieva О., (2014). RecSS: automation of QoS-aware web service selection. Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech’2014), Rousse, Bulgaria, June 27, ACM ICPS Vol. 883, ACM Inc., NY, USA, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2753-4, DOI 10.1145/2659532.2659632, pp. 256-263.
- Georgieva О., Petrova-Antonova D., (2014). QoS-aware Web Service Selection Accounting for Uncertain Constraints. Proceeding of the 40th IEEE Euromicro Conference on SEAA, August 27-29, 2014, Verona, Italy, DOI 10.1109/SEAA.2014.31, pp. 174 - 177.
- Gourova E., P. Dulev, D. Petrova-Antonova, B. Bontchev, (2014). M-learning pilot at Sofia University. Proc. 10th IADIS International Conference M-Learning 2014, 27 February – 2 March, ISBN: 978-989-8704-02-3, Madrid, Spain, pp. 323-326.
- Petrova-Antonova D., O. Georgieva (2013). Systematic Approach for QoS Estimation of Web Services, Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS), 2-4 December, Viena, 2013, pp. 644-648.
- Manova D., S. Ilieva, D. Petrova-Antonova. (2013) Testing Web Service’s Compositions Following TASSA Methodology. Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech’2013), Rousse, Bulgaria, June 28-29, ACM ICPS Vol. 767, ACM Inc., NY, USA, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2021-4, DOI 10.1145/2516775.2516817, pp. 185-192.
- Georgieva О., Petrova-Antonova D., (2015). Integrated QoS Assessment of Web Services, The 2015 International Workshop on Soft Computing and Applications (IWSCA 2015).
- D. Petrova-Antonova, Ilieva S., Stoyanova V. (2015). A pattern for WSDL-Based Testing of Web Service Compositions. Traveling Pattern Conference VikingPLoP’2015, 14-17 May, 2015, Ribaritsa resort, Bulgaria. (accepted for publication)
- D. Petrova-Antonova, Manova D., Ilieva S. (2015) TASSA: Testing Framework for web service orchestrations, 10th International Workshop on Automation of Software Test In Conjunction with The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, 16-24 May, 2015, Firenze, Italy, pp. 8-12.
- D. Petrova-Antonova, Kuncheva K., Ilieva S. (2015) Automatic Generation of Test Data for XML Schema-based Testing of Web Services, 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications (ICSOFT-EA), 20-22 July, Colmar, France, pp. 277-284.
- Manova D., D. Petrova-Antonova, S. Ilieva, I. Manova, (2014). XML Schema Based Generation of Test Data. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies (InfoTech-2014), 18-19 September 2014, Bulgaria, pp. 325-332.
- Baylov K., Petrova-Antonova D., Dimov, A., (2014). Web service QOS specification in BPEL descriptions. Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech’2014), Rousse, Bulgaria, June 27, ACM ICPS Vol. 883, ACM Inc., NY, USA, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2753-4, DOI 10.1145/2659532.2659632, pp. 264-271.
- Petrova-Antonova D., Hristova N., Georgieva О., (2014). RecSS: automation of QoS-aware web service selection. Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech’2014), Rousse, Bulgaria, June 27, ACM ICPS Vol. 883, ACM Inc., NY, USA, 2014, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2753-4, DOI 10.1145/2659532.2659632, pp. 256-263.
- Georgieva О., Petrova-Antonova D., (2014). QoS-aware Web Service Selection Accounting for Uncertain Constraints. Proceeding of the 40th IEEE Euromicro Conference on SEAA, August 27-29, 2014, Verona, Italy, DOI 10.1109/SEAA.2014.31, pp. 174 - 177.
- Gourova E., P. Dulev, D. Petrova-Antonova, B. Bontchev, (2014). M-learning pilot at Sofia University. Proc. 10th IADIS International Conference M-Learning 2014, 27 February – 2 March, ISBN: 978-989-8704-02-3, Madrid, Spain, pp. 323-326.
- Petrova-Antonova D., O. Georgieva (2013). Systematic Approach for QoS Estimation of Web Services, Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS), 2-4 December, Viena, 2013, pp. 644-648.
- Manova D., S. Ilieva, D. Petrova-Antonova. (2013) Testing Web Service’s Compositions Following TASSA Methodology. Proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech’2013), Rousse, Bulgaria, June 28-29, ACM ICPS Vol. 767, ACM Inc., NY, USA, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4503-2021-4, DOI 10.1145/2516775.2516817, pp. 185-192.
- Petrova-Antonova D., E. Gourova. (2013) Web Site Development and M-Learning: The Case of Software Engineering Department in Sofia University. Proceeding of 11th International Conference "Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century" (CHER’2013), June 4, Sozopol, Bulgaria, pp. 46-48.
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva, V. Stoyanova, I. Manova, V. Pavlov. (2013) An Automated Approach for Fault Injection Testing of BPEL Orchestrations. Proceeding of the 17th Conference on European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI2’2013), June 25-27 2013, Dundalk, Ireland, F. McCaffery et al. (Eds.): Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement 2013, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 364, Springer, Heidelberg, ISBN: 978-3-642-39178-1, pp. 84-95.
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva, V. Stoyanova. (2013) TESSI: A Web Service Testing Tool. Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, May 29-31 2013, Paris, France, ISBN 978-1-4673-2914-9, pp. 665-666.
- Stoyanova V., D. Petrova-Antonova, S. Ilieva. (2013) Automation of Test Case Generation and Execution for Testing Web Service Orchestrations, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering, (SOSE’2013). San Francisco Bay, March USA, 25-28, 2013, pp. 274-279, DOI 10.1109/SOSE.2013.9.
- Гурова Е., Р. Николов, А. Антонова, Л. Гълъбова, К. Тотева, Л. Зографова, Я. Тодорова, Д. Петрова-Антонова, Д. Кабакчиева. (2012) Управление на знания, Булвест 2000, ISBN 978-954-18-0839-9, 2012.
- Dimov, A., K. Dimitrova and D. Petrova-Antonova. Towards database-centric systems reusability. Proceedings of the 12th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Informatics and Communications (AIC’2012). Istanbul, Turkey. August 21-23, 2012, pp. 235-240.
- Dimov, A., D. Petrova-Antonova, S. Stavru and I. Pavlova. Autonomic and Reconfigurable Compositions of Web Services Based on Quality of Service. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technologies, (InfoTech’2012). Varna, Bulgaria. September 20-21, 2012. Pp. 53-60.
- Ilieva, S., I. Manova, D. Petrova-Antonova. Towards a Methodology for Testing of Business Processes. Proceeding of the 3rd International Workshop Automating Test Case Design, Selection and Evaluation (ATSE'2012), Wrocław, Poland, September 9-12, 2012, pp.1315-1322.
- Ilieva, S., D. Petrova-Antonova, B. Bonev. Testing and monitoring of BPEL orchestrations with TASSA framework. Proceeding of the 1st Internet & Business Conference (IBC’2012), Rovinj, Croatia, June 27-28, 2012, pp. 156-161.
- Dimov, A., S. Stavru, D. Petrova-Antonova and I. Krasteva. Towards Applicability of Agile Software Development Methodologies. Proceeding of the 47th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies (ICEST’2012). Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. June 28-30, pp. 485-488.
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva. An Architectural Approach for Dynamic Web Service Composition. Proceeding of the 13th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech’2012), Rousse, Bulgaria, June 22-23, 2012, pp. 171-178.
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva. DYSCO: A Platform for Dynamic QoS-Aware Web Service Composition. Proceeding of the IADIS International Conference on Theory and Practice in Modern Computing 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, July 17-19, 2012, pp. 91-94.
- Dimov, A., D. Petrova-Antonova, Service-Oriented Approaches for Embedded Software Systems, Proceeding of the 8th International Scientific Conference „Investments in the Future”, Varna, Bulgaria, October 6-8, 2011, pp. 213-217.
- Hristov S., D. Petrova-Antonova, S. Ilieva. Virtual Infrastructure Cloud Manager for Data Centers. International Conference on Automatics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 3-7, 2011, pp. B-351-B-354.
- Pavlova I., D. Petrova-Antonova, A. Eskenazi, S. Ilieva, A. Dimov. An Analysis and Forecast of Software and Services Research in Bulgaria – Comparing the Situation Two Years Later. The Third International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies (S3T), Bourgas, Bulgaria, September 1-3, 2011, Springer, Heidelberg, Vol. 101, pp. 103-110.
- Petrova-Antonova D., A. Dimov. A QoS Driven Approach for Probability Evaluation of Web Service Compositions, The 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technology (ICSOFT), July 18-23, Seville, Spain, pp. 321-326.
- Dimov, A., D. Petrova-Antonova, Service-Oriented Approaches for Embedded Software Systems, The 8th International Scientific Conference "Investments in the Future", October 6-8, 2011, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 213-217.
- Hristov S., D. Petrova-Antonova, S. Ilieva. Virtual Infrastructure Cloud Manager for Data Centers. International Conference on Automatics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 3-7, 2011, pp. B-351-B-354.
- Dimitrova K., A. Dimov, D. Petrova-Antonova. Reusable components in database-centric software systems. The 5th IFIP TC2 Central and Eastern European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques (CEE-SET), Debrecen, Hungary, August 25-26, 2011.
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva, I. Manova, D. Manova. Towards Automation Design Time Testing of Web Service Compositions. The 5th IFIP TC2 Central and Eastern European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques (CEE-SET), Debrecen, Hungary, August 25-26, 2011.
- Pavlova I., D. Petrova-Antonova, A. Eskenazi, S. Ilieva, A. Dimov. An Analysis and Forecast of Software and Services Research in Bulgaria – Comparing the Situation Two Years Later. The Third International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies (S3T), Bourgas, Bulgaria, September 1-3, 2011, Springer, Heidelberg, Vol. 101, pp. 103-110.
- Petrova-Antonova D., A. Dimov. A QoS Driven Approach for Probability Evaluation of Web Service Compositions, The 6th International Conference on Software and Data Technology (ICSOFT), July 18-23, Seville, Spain, pp. 321-326.
- Manova, D., I. Manova, S. Ilieva, D. Petrova-Antonova. faultInjector: A Tool for Injection of Faults in Synchronous WS-BPEL processes. 2nd Eastern European Regional Conference on the Engineering of Computer Based Systems (ECBS-EERC), September 5-6, 2011, Bratislava, Slovakia, pp. 99-105.
- Petrova-Antonova D., R. Simov. jQRSS: a jQuery plugin for RSS and Atom feeds parsing. International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech), June16-17, 2011, Vienna, Austria, pp. 641-646.
- Spassov I., D. Petrova, V. Pavlov, S. Ilieva. DDAT: Data Dependency Analysis Tool for Web Service Business Processes. Second International Workshop on "Software Quality SQ" within The International Conference on Computational Science and Applications (ICCSA) June 20-23, 2011, Santander, Spain, B. Murgante et al. (Eds.): ICCSA 2011, Part V, LNCS 6786, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 232-243.
- Todorova, K., K. Dimitrov, D. Petrova - Antonova, A., Antonova. Challenges in E-learning and Organizational Behavior, International Conference of E-learning, Distance Education or... The Education of 21st Century, Sofia, Bulgaria, April 6-8, 2011, pp. 131-139.
- Petrova-Antonova D., А QoS Aware Approach for Web Service Selection Based on Probability Evaluation, IADIS International Conference on Informatics 2011, Rome, Italy, July 20 - 22, 2011, pp. 43-50.
- Petrova-Antonova D., QoS-Enhanced Framework Facilitating Web Service Publication and Discovery, School for Young Scientists "Innovations and business process management" within International Conference on Automatics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 3-7, 2010, pp. 13-16.
- Pavlov V., B. Borisov, S. Ilieva, D. Petrova-Antonova, Framework for Testing Service Compositions, 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 23-26, 2010, pp. 557-560.
- Petrova-Antonova D., Cost dependent QoS-based discovery of web services, The Second International Conference on Software, Services and Semantic Technologies, Varna, Bulgaria, September 11-12, 2010, pp.152-159.
- Petrova-Antonova D., I. Krasteva, S. Ilieva, Approaches Facilitating WS-BPEL Testing, 17th Conference on European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI2), Grenoble Institute of Technology, France, September 1-3, 2010, pp. 5.1-5.17.
- Antonova A., D. Petrova-Antonova, Web 2.0 technologies, knowledge management and challenging business opportunities. International Conference of Entrepreneurship Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD), Thesaloniki, Greece, 2009, pp. 484-493.
- Petrova-Antonova D., Ivelina Vacheva, Approach for data replication on MS SQL Server. International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies (CompSysTech), Rousse, Bulgaria, 2009, pp. II.12.1-II.12.8.
- Petrova-Antonova D., S. Ilieva, Towards Unifying View of QoS-Enhanced Web Service Description and Discovery Approaches. European Yong Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing (YR-SOC), Pisa, Italy, 2009, pp. 99-113.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova. Peer-to-peer networking – a productive solution for real time multimedia exchange. TELEMATICA, Telematika College Press, Idea Publishing House, 1/2008, ISSN 1313-2350, pp. 21-28.
- Nakov, O., D. Petrova. Optimization strategies for tracking of moving objects. Proceeding of Higher College School "TELEMATIKA", 2007, ISBN 978-954-8638-47-0.
- Nakov, O., D. Petrova. Setting of moving object location with optimized tree structure. Proceedings of 11th WSEAS International conference on computers, Agios Nikolaos, Crete island, Greece, July 26-28, 2007, ISSN 1790-5117, ISBN 978-960-8457-92-8, pp. 67-71.
- Nakov, O., D. Petrova. Method of navigation of autonomous moving object. Proceedings of 11th WSEAS International conference on computers, Agios Nikolaos, Crete island, Greece, July 23-28, 2007, ISSN 1790-5117, ISBN 978-960-8457-92-8, pp. 641-643.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova. Graph algorithm for moving object tracking. International conference on Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century (CHER), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2007.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova, .NET technologies in e-learning education. Proceedings of the International Conference Computer Systems&Technologies (CompSysTech), June, Rousse 14-15, Bulgaria, 2007, pp. IV.16-1-IV.16-3.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova. Analysis of the Benchmark while Extracting Data from Database or XML File for Different Platforms. Proceedings of the International Conference Computer Systems&Technologies (CompSysTech), June, 2006, Veliko Tarnovo, pp. IIIB.20-1-IIIB.20-5.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova, M. Damyanov. Productivity characteristics and optimization in a file server with multiple access working in a uniform multitasking environment. Proceedings of the 3rd International Scientific Conference "Computer Science", October 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, pp. 144-147.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova. Comparative Evaluation of Software Technologies for Database Integration in Heterogeneous, Real-time Working Systems. International conference on Challenges in Higher Education and Research in the 21st Century (CHER), June 1-3, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2005, pp. 49-50.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova, L. Bekiarov. Security and Real-time Evaluations in Remote Procedure Call Based Technologies. Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference "Computer Science", September 2005, Chalkidiki, Greece, pp. 168-170.
- Nakov O., A. Angelov, D. Petrova. Optimizing Performance in a Time Critical WEB Applications. Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Conference "Computer Science", December 2004, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 187-192.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova. Accessing an Automation Object through the IDispatch Interface and Virtual Method Table. Proceedings of 16th International Conference for Automation of Engineering & Research (SAER), September 2002, Varna, pp. 164-167.
- Nakov О., D. Petrova. The Run-Time Productivity Analysis of the Three-tiered Architecture in Comparison with the Two-Tiered Client/Server Architecture. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference for Automation of Engineering & Research (SAER), September 2001, Varna, pp. 94-97.
- Nakov О., D. Petrova. Performance Analyses in Case of Using BDE and ADO for MS SQL Server Data Access. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference for Automation of Engineering & Research (SAER), September 2001, Varna, pp. 98-102.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova. Dangers in Recursive Algorithms. Recursive into Nonrecursive Translation Techniques. Proceedings of the International Conference Computer Systems&Technologies (CompSysTech), June 2001, Sofia, pp. II.16-1-II.16-5.
- Nakov O., D. Petrova. Working Techniques for Replication Data and Transactions within Distributed Database System. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference for Automation of Engineering & Research (SAER), September 2000, Varna, pp. 193-196.
- CogniTwin, Digital twin modelling of patients with cognitive disorders, Funded by National Science Fund, No. KP-06-N32/5, 2019-2022
- Big4Smart, Big Data Innovative Solutions for Smart Cities, Funded by National Science Fund, No. DN12/9, 2017-2020
- GATE, Big Data for Smart Society, European Union’s Horizon 2020 WIDESPREAD-2016-2017 TEAMING Phase 1 programme, Grant Agreement No. 763566
- ITDGate, Informed and Timely Decisions on e-Governence big data, Funded by National Science Fund, No. DN 02/11, 2016-2019
- Automated platform for XSD-based generation of XML instances, No. 143/17.04.2015, Science Fund of Sofia University.
- Methods and algorithms for knowledge discovery from data streams, No. 24/31.03.2015, Science Fund of Sofia University.
- Coneeect, Developing, organising and executing cross-European training/education workshops for educators in higher education institution, schools, universities of applied sciences, Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme, EC, Grant agreement number: EE-65, 2012-2015
- A framework for testing service-oriented software systems, Operational Programme "Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy" 2007-2013, co-funded by European region development fund, BG161РО003-1.1.06-003-С0001, 2012-2014
- Data mining methods for software services development and analysis, No 110/08.05.2014, Science Fund of Sofia University.
- EUROWEB, European Research and Educational Collaboration with Western Balkans, Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window, EC, No. 2011-2591/001-001-EMA2, 2011-2014
- People Network+, Trans-national Cooperation among NCPs, EC FP7, Grant agreement number: 297550, 2012-2013
- Architecture of High quality software based on Enterprise service bus, Funded by National Science Fund, No. DO02-182, 2008-2012
- People Network, EC FP7, Trans-national co-operation among national contact points for Marie Curie actions, Grant agreement number: 221922, 2008-2011
- SmartBook, Funded by National Science Fund, No. DO02-111 2008-2012
- ADOPTA, Funded by National Science Fund, No. DDO02-155, 2008-2012
- ADEESS, Funded by National Science Fund, No. DDO02-297, 2008-2012
- Support to the creative development of graduate students, post-doctoral students and young scientists in the field of computer science, No. BG 051PO001-3.3.04/13, EU Structural Funds, Operational Programme "Human Resources Development", 2009-2011
- EURECA, European Research and Educational Collaboration with Asia, Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window - L12 Afganistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, No. 2008-1975/001-001-MUN-ECW, 2009-2010
- SISTER, EC FP7, Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University, Grant agreement number: 205030, April 2008 - March 2011
- Heterogeneous network environment for parallel computing, No.105-9/2001
- Unified framework for execution and analysis of algorithms, No.411-9HK/2004
- Unconventional computer architectures for execution and analysis of parallel computations, No.550NI-9/2005
- Software simulator of moving objects, No.740NI-9/2006
- Information system for management of human resources, No.802PD-9/2006
BSc Courses
- Distributed Software Development
- Quality Assurance
MSc Courses
- Big Data Management and Processing
- SOA and Web services
- Software Testing
- Cloud computing
- Award on Best awareness level in FP7-ICT grant schemes and current projects in Software Services, West University of Timisoara, Romania, FP7 SPRERS Project 246839, 2011