Master programmes
Software technologies
Training terms: 3
Training form: Regular
Minimum ECTS credits: 90
Head of Program: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Ilieva
125 Tsarigradsko shosse blvd. 1113 Sofia
Tel.: +359 2 971 04 00
The master's degree program in Software Technologies is elaborated according to requirements of ACM/IEEE Computing Curricula of Software Engineering. It integrates a wide range of learning in actual aspects of the software technologies. The program lasts for three terms. The last term includes graduation work. The teaching and graduation works are in collaboration with leading software companies (Rila Solutions, IBM, SAP labs etc.), professional organizations as well as other universities (Malardalen University, Sweden, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy, University of Reading, England etc.). The students are able to use a specialized library, which holds contemporary editions in different Software technologies' fields.
The candidate students need to have BSc degree in Informatics or similar specialty. It is recommended that they have at least two years' experience in organization working in area of information and communication technologies.
Program's objective
The main characteristic of the up-to-date software is the complexity. Having a good grasp of programming languages is not enough for finding the best software solutions because many of other aspects are needed. The software engineering examines a complex software development by using systematical engineering approach, which provides theories, methods and resources for solving complicated and often interdisciplinary problems.
The program is structured with a view to acquisition of theoretical and practical skills for more effective and successful entering of students in one of the most modern technology's fields – software technologies.
Professional realization of students completed the program
The program's goal is to provide students with:
Access to further studies
Software technology's program is oriented towards training of new generation of designers, developers, quality assurance testers, project managers in the modern software systems of traditional, distributed and network systems.
Graduate students will be able to effectively work as professional designers and software developers independently as well as in team. It is provided sufficient number of courses with modern meaning and content. They are based on theoretical fundamentals and architecture and technological solutions under the distributed multitiered programming systems. The separate phases of development process of complex software systems as well as modern methods and resources for application implementation and mutual integration will be examined. In provided laboratory exercises and seminars the students will obtain opportunities to learn the programming environments and tools for development of modules and complete systems as well as to apply in practice their knowledge at assignments and projects.
The students will be provided with a competence and skills for design and development of software systems. In addition this will contribute them to promote and assume the managers functions at different levels of organization management in software industry in Bulgaria as well as Europe, America and other countries.
Common skills
Graduate students in Software technologies have to achieve competence in:
Practical skills
Graduate students in Software technologies have to achieve abilities to:
Additional skills
These skills do not directly concern computer knowledge areas. They are way to satisfy common students' interests in computer area and include abilities to:
Necessity and perspective for realization of graduated specialists
The master's degree program in Software Technologies includes wide range of courses in the area of the modern technologies for development of complex software solutions like systems for control of distributed computing resources, systems with artificial intelligence, mobile applications, Internet applications etc. At the same time it ensures the necessary learning for complex and huge software projects.
The future masters of Software technologies will get the opportunity for a wide professional contribution in our, foreign and compound companies and projects as independent designers and team members. They will be able to put into practice learned world best practices and modern tools for specification, design, coding, testing and deployment of up-to-date software systems.
Examples of the best European and world practices
During the program preparation are used key examples of the world practices in educational area of software technologies. Example of that is IEEE Computer Society/ACM, Computer Engineering Body of Knowledge, 2004.
Courses' annotations
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Through Visual Paradigm Academic Partner Program, Sofia University is granted license for modeling software - VP-UML, SDE-EC, SDE-NB, SDE-VS, BPVA, AG for educational use. |